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Tech Editing

I am not currently taking on new clients​

Every pattern should be able to achieve its full potential, and a well edited and laid out pattern, with no mistakes and clear instructions, makes everyone happy and keeps knitters coming back for more.  We have all waded through clunky patterns and wasted time having to rip back; I want to make sure that this doesn't happen!


Being self-published does not mean that your work need be unprofessional and I am here to help you feel confident in what you are publishing and that you know your work reflects well on you.


Pattern Checking


As your tech editor, my passion for consistency and love of maths will serve you well. I will help you by checking:


  • terminology; ensuring consistency throughout the pattern

  • all your abbreviations and charts where applicable

  • that your pattern matches what should be being knit 

  • for general errors/typos (especially for non-native English speakers)

  • that your maths, measurements and stitch counts add up

  • that the pattern matches your stylesheet (should you use one)

  • that the pattern is complete and understandable

Pattern Checking

It is also worth stating that it is impossible to edit one's own work - I am a tech editor and a designer, and I do NOT edit my own patterns.


The editing process is a cooperative one. We work together to get your pattern ready for publication. I will provide you with constructive feedback, giving you suggestions on how to improve clarity, style and layout (if necessary) of your pattern. You have the final say, it is your pattern and I will not be pushy or critical in my feedback.  When I suggest a change, I will explain why so you will not have to guess.


I can edit documents using "Track Changes" in Microsoft Office Word (this also works with documents created in Pages, OpenOffice and LibreOffice), in LibreOffice, or you can send me a PDF and I will annotate that with my edits.

Proofreading for native and non-native English speakers


Proofreading/copyediting is included in my tech edit of your pattern. However, I can also just proofread your pattern, for example when you are self-publishing after regaining pattern rights.  I can also proofread copy for blogs, websites, Ravelry .... etc.


I have a lot of experience in particular of English proofreading for non-native speakers.

Schematics and Charts


I also provide services to generate schematics for your pattern (using Inkscape), assistance with pattern layout, and generating charts and their corresponding key tables from written instructions (using Stitchmastery) for lace, cable or colourwork designs.





It can be very useful for designers (and editors) to have a stylesheet. If you don't have one but would like to, I can work with you in developing your style, such that your patterns will be consistent and recognisable as your work.



My Qualifications


I love knitting, knitting design and technical editing.  I am, in the most part, a self-taught knitter and I know what it means to have correct and clear patterns and I am passionate about helping designers provide these to their knitters.


I have a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge (UK), and a deep love of Mathematics.  I have worked in scientific research and through my work I have a wealth of experience in using spreadsheets, creating graphics and writing technical manuscripts.  I also have proofread countless manuscripts of colleagues, frequently written by non-native English speakers so I understand common problems that crop up.  All the skills that are second nature to me from my professional life make me a good technical editor.


In addition, I have completed the "Learn to Tech Edit" and "Learn to Tech Edit - The Next Steps" courses from Joeli of Joeli Creates (formerly Joeli's Kitchen), which helped me hone my natural passion for attention to detail to the specifics of knitting patterns and design.


Please note that I only offer tech editing for knitting patterns and not crochet patterns. 



Editing work


I will work closely with you, updating you frequently. I offer a turnaround of 1 week or less for the first round of editing, though frequently I am faster (typically within 3 days).  For a second edit and final checks patterns are always returned within 3 days, and normally within 24 hours.  


If you are working to a very tight deadline and need your edits done in a short space of time then a rush fee may apply.


Generally, I like to look over the pattern in order to give an accurate quote. I will get back to you quickly with an estimate of time and cost.  I typically give my estimates based on an hourly rate AND during the editing process I would always get back to you before going over any time estimates. I can provide flat fee quotes if that is your preference, and these quotes are based on pattern complexity and my hourly rate.  If a flat fee is agreed upon then that is firm and fixed.


But whatever your question you can also contact me for some initial information and we can start from there.


For an idea of editing durations; small accessories typically take 30 mins to 1 hour, more complex accessories and small, simple garments 1-2 hours, with more complex garments taking 2-4 hours.


Once the editing process is complete you can check back in with me if you have questions, for example after test knitting, and even after pattern publication I am available to you for support if necessary.


Any questions? .... Just ask. I'm always happy to hear from fellow knitters!


A selection of patterns I have edited can be found here and testimonials here.

© 2018 by Madeleine Windsor

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