Inanda shawl (customisation)
This week I am releasing my latest shawl design, Inanda. Speckled and tonal yarns will look their best – as will you – in the simple...

Vendemmia hat & launch discount!
Just in time for the arrival of Winter (here in Zurich at least) I have released the my Vendemmia hat pattern. Knit in utterly...

New Knitting Tutorials on YouTube
I've recently added a couple of tutorials to my YouTube channel (Kingfisher Knits). I have also created tabs in the Menu Bar (up there)...

Stracciatella Shawl Pattern Release
It has been a very busy week here with not one but two pattern releases. After releasing the Artemis Shawl on Monday, today is the turn...

Artemis Shawl release + info for TreLiz kits!
Almost a year ago I met the utterly inspirational Lise of TreLiz Yarns at the Swiss Wulle festival here in Zurich. If you don't know her...

White Arum Pattern Release
Today is the release of my latest pattern in collaboration with Les Belles Bouclettes. After all the fun I had designing the Bernina...

Kingfisher Knits Podcast!
This has been a busy week, and with all the excitement of launching the Patronus Shawl I think I was no longer able to tell myself that...

Patronus Shawl Pattern Release
I think this is probably the pattern release I am most excited about (bar perhaps the first time I was published in a magazine....)! ...

Bernina Cardigan Pattern Release!
I am super stoked that I have released my Bernina Cardigan today! It is such a lovely, classic and fun and piece with four sizes...

Spring with SweetGeorgia Giveaway and Budelli pattern release!
I am thrilled to announce that my latest design with SweetGeorgia Yarns has been released together with the Spring with SweetGeorgia Vol....